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Conditions and application for adoption

Although Quintinha Abc still doesn't haven the infrastructure to provide the perfect conditions to all animals, during their stay at the shelter everyone is treated very well, given the possibilities. The animals have access to shelter that protects them from the sun, rain and cold, adequate food, health care and all possible pampering, thanks to our dedicated volunteers. Anyone who accompanies us and visits can testify that the animals are happy.

However, we know that they can live in comfort, with better food and, above all, with full-time attention and dedication. Thus, it is only natural that there is an adoption process that aims to guarantee that the adopted animals will have a better life than the one they have with us. It wouldn't make sense any other way!

It is important to consider some aspects:​

Although Quintinha Abc still doesn't haven the infrastructure to provide the perfect conditions to all animals, during their stay at the shelter everyone is treated very well, given the possibilities. The animals have access to shelter that protects them from the sun, rain and cold, adequate food, health care and all possible pampering, thanks to our dedicated volunteers. Anyone who accompanies us and visits can testify that the animals are happy.

However, we know that they can live in comfort, with better food and, above all, with full-time attention and dedication. Thus, it is only natural that there is an adoption process that aims to guarantee that the adopted animals will have a better life than the one they have with us. It wouldn't make sense any other way!

It is important to consider some aspects:​

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Há algumas coisas que deve considerar em casa

1. Capacidade financeira

Although Quintinha Abc still doesn't haven the infrastructure to provide the perfect conditions to all animals, during their stay at the shelter everyone is treated very well, given the possibilities. The animals have access to shelter that protects them from the sun, rain and cold, adequate food, health care and all possible pampering, thanks to our dedicated volunteers. Anyone who accompanies us and visits can testify that the animals are happy.

However, we know that they can live in comfort, with better food and, above all, with full-time attention and dedication. Thus, it is only natural that there is an adoption process that aims to guarantee that the adopted animals will have a better life than the one they have with us. It wouldn't make sense any other way!

It is important to consider some aspects:​

2. Ambiente familiar

Although Quintinha Abc still doesn't haven the infrastructure to provide the perfect conditions to all animals, during their stay at the shelter everyone is treated very well, given the possibilities. The animals have access to shelter that protects them from the sun, rain and cold, adequate food, health care and all possible pampering, thanks to our dedicated volunteers. Anyone who accompanies us and visits can testify that the animals are happy.

However, we know that they can live in comfort, with better food and, above all, with full-time attention and dedication. Thus, it is only natural that there is an adoption process that aims to guarantee that the adopted animals will have a better life than the one they have with us. It wouldn't make sense any other way!

It is important to consider some aspects:​

Se pretende adotar um animal bebé (com idade inferior a 6 meses)

A esterilização é obrigatória

É obrigatória a esterilização por volta dos seis meses (salvo indicação em contrário do médico-veterinário). Todos os animais com mais de seis meses serão entregues esterilizados e todos os animais com idade inferior a seis meses deverão ser esterilizados pela sua família, após completarem esta idade. Fale connosco para conhecer os protocolos que temos em vigor com várias clínicas.

Se pretende adotar um animal adulto (ou com idade superior a 6 meses)

Ele será entregue esterilizado

Os animais adultos são entregues esterilizados, vacinados, desparasitados, com microchip e no, caso dos felinos, com despiste às doenças FIV e FeLV. Este pressuposto é aplicável a todos os animais, exceto casos em que exista algum tipo de contraindicação médica. Os animais jovens serão entregues com o que for adequado/recomendado à idade em que são adotados. 

Se pretende adotar um gato

Este não deve ter acesso ao exterior

Todos os gatos devem ser mantidos como animais de interior. Um eventual acesso ao exterior pode ser feito com trela e peitoral, em pátios protegidos através dos quais não há qualquer possibilidade de fuga ou em varandas vedadas. Em todos estes casos o acesso deve sempre ser supervisionado para eliminar a possibilidade de acidentes, fugas e desaparecimentos que infelizmente são muito frequentes em animais que têm acesso à rua.

Se tem outros animais da mesma espécie em casa

Devem ter os protocolos veterinários atualizados

Quando existem mais cães ou gatos na mesma habitação estes devem encontrar-se esterilizados, vacinados, desparasitados, com microchip e, no caso dos gatos, devem também ter o despiste ao FIV e FeLV.

Custos associados à adoção

Cada animal adotado tem despesas

A Quintinha Abc – Associação Protetora dos Animais não é uma empresa, mas uma Associação de Proteção Animal, sem quaisquer fins lucrativos, que subsiste apenas graças aos donativos escassos que recebe e através do trabalho dedicado dos voluntários. Os valores sugeridos para pagamento no momento da adoção referem-se apenas a uma parte muito pequena das despesas suportadas pela Quintinha Abc, durante o período de acolhimento dos animais. As restantes despesas que surgem durante a estadia dos animais na Quintinha Abc são pagas com os donativos dos amigos, sócios, padrinhos/madrinhas e voluntários da Quintinha Abc; em alguns casos estão ainda pendentes de pagamento. Os adotantes são incentivados a ajudar a cobrir a despesa prévia do animal adotado, através da realização de donativo, por forma a que a situação financeira da Quintinha Abc se mantenha regular e assim possa continuar a sua missão, ajudando outros animais.

The adoption process involves the following steps by the candidate family:

  • Fill in the Application Form for Adoption  on this web page, or contact us via email at, indicating which animal you intend to adopt, if you are interested in a specific animal, or indicating the characteristics of the intended animal (you will be redirected to the same form on this page).

  •  The Application Form for Adoption is mandatory, and it  is the 1st element of evaluation of candidate adopters; If accepted, an visit can be scheduled at the shelter (2nd evaluation element), at the suggestion of Quintinha Abc or at the request of the candidate family;

  • If the application is approved, the adoption is scheduled, with the signature of the terms of responsibility, and there is an adoption fee of a variable amount (minimum €25, maximum €45), relating to part of the cost of the animal adopted during the reception period at Quintinha Abc:


      Example 1: cat > 6 months, vaccinated, dewormed, sterilized, with microchip and FIV/FeLV screening = 45€;

      Example 2: dog > 6 months, vaccinated, dewormed, sterilized, with microchip = 40€;
    • Example 3: cat and dog < 6 months vaccinated, dewormed, microchipped = €35*

  • The adoption is then accompanied by our volunteers who periodically request information and photographs of the adopted animal from its family in order to help in the adaptation process, contributing that everything runs for the best.

*Sterilization is mandatory and must be performed by the adopting family when the animal reaches 6 months of age. In felines, it is recommended to carry out the FIV/FeLV screening at the same time. For other questions

Quintinha Abc – Associação Protetora dos Animais is not a company, but a non-profit Animal Protection Association, which subsists only thanks to the scarce donations it receives and through the dedicated work of volunteers. The amounts suggested for payment at the time of adoption refer only to a very small part of the expenses borne by Quintinha Abc, during the period of receiving the animals. The remaining expenses that arise during the stay of the animals at Quintinha Abc are paid with donations from friends, partners, godfathers/godmothers and volunteers of Quintinha Abc; in some cases they are still pending payment. Adopters are encouraged to help cover the prior expenses of the adopted animal, by making a donation, so that Quintinha Abc's financial situation remains regular and thus it can continue its mission, helping other animals.

By adopting at Quintinha Abc – Associação Protetora dos Animais you will be contributing so that we can rescue and welcome another animal at risk of life. We appreciate that you only contact us if you agree with our conditions, otherwise we will not approve the adoption. We appreciate your preference.

Ficha de candidatura

Fill out the application form below to start the adoption process at Quintinha ABC.

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Obrigado(a). Entraremos em contacto em breve.

© 2023 by Quintinha Abc. 

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